Will & Estate Disputes

When there’s no will, there’s a way – dividing your estate if you die intestate

600 600 Emma Macfarlane

Talking about death is not an easy conversation. I get it. It brings up all sorts of emotions and challenging questions. That is why many people put off estate planning or put it in the ‘too hard’ basket. It is important to have an understanding of what will happen, however, if you die without making…

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A guide to appointing an Enduring Guardian

652 536 Emma Macfarlane

People are quite often confused as to why they may need to appoint both a Power of Attorney and an Enduring Guardian. There is a very important distinction in how the two function that make them both an important asset in determining how your future wishes are met. Because the Power of Attorney and Enduring…

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A guide to Power of Attorney

721 484 Emma Macfarlane

A Power of Attorney is a legal document that provides a person or trustee organisation you nominate with the ability to make and implement decisions regarding your finances and assets while you are alive. Despite the use of the term ‘Attorney’ in the USA and other countries to describe a lawyer / solicitor, in this…

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