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Brand Protection

‘’ domain name directs users to refugee advocacy website – The importance of owning domain names related to your brand

951 608 Emma Macfarlane

The commercial significance of effective brand protection cannot be understated. Many businesses and celebrity personalities ensure that they protect their names, logos and other distinguishing brand elements. There are, however, some less obvious elements that can be easily overlooked – for instance, your domain name. If you do not take adequate steps to secure and…

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Changed your business during COVID? Here’s what you may not have considered with your IP.

600 600 Emma Macfarlane

We’re all adjusting to a new normal, with many businesses having re-opened following a year of bushfire, flood and of course, a pandemic. COVID-19 has undoubtedly been the biggest disrupter for businesses in 2020, generating upheaval and uncertainty with many forced to literally close their doors overnight due to lockdown restrictions. In order to continue…

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What happens when a brand name becomes part of everyday language?

1013 675 Emma Macfarlane

When brand names replace or become synonymous with particular products, irrespective of the what name is on the product, the brand essentially becomes a victim of its own success. Here’s some tips to avoid falling victim to ‘brand genericide’.

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